Stay one step ahead with NAVTOR
With NAVTOR’s e-Navigation and performance services
– all integrated into the unique NAVTOR ecosystem –
you can steer your vessels, fleet and entire organisation forward
more effectively, profitably and securely.
8 benefits that make ship operation easy
Pay only for the charts you actually use during voyages and eliminate cost related to freight/logistics of paper products.

Our solutions offer seamless distribution and updating of navigational data.
No DVD needed!

We help you keep the vessel data usage low, reducing costs related to satellite Internet usage at sea.

All charts and publications delivered seamlessly and automatically to your vessels and facilities.
– Easy, safe and secure.

We put you first.
By understanding your individual needs we provide digital products and services that deliver unique advantages, putting our customers at the forefront of the industry.

NavBox is the centre of our e-Navigation ecosystem – connecting vessels, fleets and facilities, with simple, secure and seamless transferral of the very latest navigational data.

Increase your efficiency with easy solutions that keeps you compliant at all times. Feedback shows that 90 % of our customers agree that NAVTOR has made their ENC handling easier.*

Everything you need for
better decision making in one easy application; improve your vessel performance and lower your costs with the fleet management tool, NavFleet.

Using NAVTOR e-Navigation Suite your vessel and fleet will be equipped with the perfect tools for distribution, updating and management of digital charts, publications, and navigational data.
Seamless, secure and automatic updates of navigational data in ONE platform
No need for DVDs or large data transfers
A fully automated solution that forms a bridge between ship and shore
Easily tailored to your exact requirements
Automatically receive the latest updates of ENCs, digital publications and all other relevant navigational information
Easy to plan and execute a safe and efficient voyage
Optimises real-time and future performance, safety & efficiency
Enables better decision making – both on the bridge and for business
Eliminates administrative tasks, reduces human error, and unlocks powerful savings in efficiency and cost
Eliminate administratively workload and reduce risk of human error with a fully automated solution
By integrating NavBox in the bridge networks, the vessel will automatically receive the latest updates of ENCs, digital publications and all other relevant navigational information (such as weather overlay and routeing, environmental regulations, NAVAREA warnings etc.). NavBox will also transmit very accurate vessel position and AIS data for nearby vessels.

A more manual alternative to NavBox is to install NavSync on the bridge PC. The software allows navigators to seamlessly access, update and license charts and publications, and then transfer the data to the ECDIS with NavStick.

The Ultimate Maritime Route Planning Tool
– Everything you need to plan and organise your voyage.
NavStation includes access to an array of digital e-Navigation information incorporated additionally as overlays on top of official ENC charts.
See all available layers in NavStation
• Exchange routes with other vessels in the fleet,
and with the ship managers onshore
• An automatic Passage Planning module allows the
navigator to effortlessly access and create required
documentation while planning voyages
• Databases and permits are automatically
distributed and updated seamlessly through
our cyber-secure NavBox
By automatically gathering all relevant navigational information (such as ENC cells, journey waypoints, ETD and ETAs etc.) in one, place it reduces the need for manual inputs and guards against human error.
Keeping track of
vessel and fleet
– A user-friendly tool to
manage your operational area
• Add or remove charts as needed
• Keep track of chart usage, costs and chart update history
• Access to the latest versions of ENCs
• Automatic and instant generating of various reports
• Complete overview of tracking of vessels and fleet movements
• Available for PC, as well as an app for tablet and mobile
• Empowering better management, ensuring compliance and simplifying reporting
NAVTOR's Pay As You Sail (PAYS) is a flexible, user-friendly and cost-effective way to navigate.
• Immediately access charts and publications
• All the ENCs are free of charge for planning
• By using vessel tracking data, the service only
charges for charts that have been under the
vessel’s keel during the voyage.
• PAYS concept is available for the majority of
the global waters.
Import a route or create a new in NavStation or NavTracker
After creating or importing the route, simply set your corridor and confirm your order.
Note: A combination of the two will be used for PAYS vessels in NON-PAYS regions (such as India, Malacca Straits, Singapore, Myanmar). Users must order such charts for upfront installation in ECDIS.

Total ship operations platform
NavFleet sets a new standard for fleet management and performance focused decision-making. It is a one-stop platform for seamless fleet
management, integrating onboard and onshore data sources and services.
By integrating multiple streams of data - from vessels, shore-based facilities and business-critical sources - onto a single platform, shipping companies are empowered to monitor, refine and improve fleet-wide performance in an instant.