Safe, green and efficient navigation is all about integrating data and services into ONE secure, platform.
Bjørn Åge Hjøllo, Chief Sustainability Officer
Research & Development
Enabling Sustainable Shipping
One of NAVTOR´s goals is to constantly develop solutions that contribute to a greener and more sustainable shipping. Together with national and international authorities, NAVTOR takes part in several R&D projects to help drive maritime technology forward. By collaborating, we can evolve, give input and develop solutions that benefit the maritime industry and society.
Some of our projects:

Green AI for Sustainable Shipping
Artificial Intelligence can help cut huge amounts of emissions from shipping. A new project, GASS, led by NAVTOR, with six other Norwegian research, innovation and industry partners, has been awarded 44 million Norwegian kroner to develop new commercial AI-enhanced technology and services to optimize the energy usage of vessels and ships. Aiming to build AI enhanced "Go2 Market services" for One Integrated Solution: "AI/ML technology supporting green and safe shipping". The main target is Vessel Optimization focusing on predictive fuel/GHG emission by Digital Twin of vessel and ML for anomalies in congestions and traffic flow.
NAVTOR is focusing on Next Gent Performance with GHG Emission Predictions of each vessel by Digital Twin, QA of reported data from Performance/Logbooks, AI fortified WX-Optimization, Cyber Security Detection and Enhanced shore side operation room. NAVTOR considers this a significant step forward in our efforts towards sustainable shipping.

Norwegian R&D centre for Maritime Energy Transition (MarTrans) is an eight-year collaborative project with 65 partners within maritime industry and research, funded by the Research Council of Norway under the Research Centre for Environment-friendly Energy (FME) program.
The focus is on research, innovation and education to accelerate the energy transition within the shipping industry, while increasing value creation and exports for the Norwegian maritime industry. With total funding from the Research Council of Norway and the industrial partners of over NOK 300 million, this is the world’s largest maritime research program of its kind.
Photo credit (group photo): Henriette Louise Krogness

The FUSE vision is to rapidly reduce emissions from the global fleet by unlocking the full potential of
operational data through fusing AI and ship hydrodynamics for next generation voyage optimization.
The primary objective is to develop knowledge and methodologies for energy-efficient and safe ship
operations by fusing AI and ship hydrodynamics that enable rapid emission reductions from the global
fleet through next generation voyage optimization.
This project aims to utilize an interdisciplinary approach to explore the fusion of AI with ship hydrodynamics
to enhance energy-efficient ship operations. It seeks to address the critical question of when and how to
integrate operational data and AI with hydrodynamic models, thereby bridging existing methodological gaps.
NAVTOR leads Work package on Industrial Use Cases where the goal is to ensure the project results can provide improved efficiency to ship operators and can be integrated
into future decision-support systems for voyage optimization and planning. NAVTOR will
contribute to tasks T1.1- T1.4 with their experience as a ship system supplier and T2.1 by providing operational
data from deep sea ships and T2.3 with expertise in weather forecasting. NAVTOR will also contribute to
T4.1-T4.3 for exploitation of the project results

The main goal of DYNAPORT is to develop new optimisation and coordination tools for ports and ships that reduce the ship's fuel consumption with at least 10% and increases port efficiency with equal amounts. The tools will be built on information sharing through internationally accepted protocol standards and communication systems. To improve port efficiency as well as port approach safety, the system will integrate the port VTS in arrival and departure planning and execution.
DYnamic NAvigation and Port call Optimisation in Real Time

ISTS- Intelligent Ship Transport System
The main objective of the project is to create an international Maritime ITS Architecture (MIA) through a bottom-up approach from users' needs and existing and emerging standards. A second and connected objective is to leverage MIA and its associated standards to establish a shared and international maritime ICT ecosystem with a higher degree of standardization, enabling deployment of new products with much lower tailoring and commissioning costs.

One solution for Environmental Compliance
Total concept for reporting cost-effective achievement of the sustainability goals
The Project aims to develop a Total-Concept for Sustainable Shipping. The main goal is to offer an Integrated Solution for ALL NAVTOR services. Services for safe and effective navigation should be ONE total solution. Stricter environmental goals from IMO (CII) and the EU (ETS, "well2wake"), means a big increase in costs going forward. The Total-Concept will monitor emission, analyse measures, perform cost benefit analysis, monitor safe sailing and provide notifications.

Passage Planning and SDK utilizing S100 data framework
The main goal of the project is to develop tools to utilize new sources of data, such as S-101: ENC, S-102: Bathymetric Surface, S-104: Water Level, S-111: Surface Currents. And in the future, also include data such as S-122, S-123 and S-124.
The project will developing SDK solutions to manage these data and utilize them together in our solution NavStation as well as fleet management in NavFleet, in order to carry out safer and more environmentally friendly planning.

NAVTOR - a company with a green impact
Finished Projects

Horizon2020 – EXCEL
(European Components and System for European Leadership)
Transforming safety-critical cyber-physical systems into distributed solutions for end-users and partners.
Involving NAVTOR e-Navigation Suite

In FOCUS researchers from Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center (NERSC), Norwegian Meteorological Institute | Meteorologisk institutt, and Wageningen University & Research aimed at producing more accurate and consistent forecast and presentation of related uncertainty information by more tailored presentation as well as understanding end-user needs in the context of decision uncertainty in a changing artic.
FOCUS ran from 2020-2024 and was funded by the NFR Polar Program with support in kind by NAVTOR and MET.

The NavGreen project is a large internal project supported by the Norwegian Tax Incentive Scheme.
Main objective is to build Sustainable Shipping, Involving NavBox and NavStation

Enhanced VDR data supporting NAVTOR services by
co-development with Danelec Marine, Involving NavFleet