For a new data standard that should enable, simplify and accelerate smart shipping development, there seems to be quite a bit of confusion concerning the roll-out of S-100.
So, here’s five points that may help bring some clarity to the way ahead.
1. The advent of S-100 does not immediately hail the end of S-57. The two standards will co-exist for a certain amount of time, to ensure both a smooth roll-out, as more and more S-100 data becomes available, and a gradual user transition, as awareness of the benefits of the new standard grow and systems are upgraded accordingly.
2. January 2026 is really the firing of the starting gun, not the end of the race. This is the point where S-100 is accepted by the IMO and, if all goes according to plan, some of the leading ECDIS manufacturers will be well underway with their S-100 ECDIS developments.
3. 2029 has been pinpointed as the target date by which all ECDIS systems should support S-100 as a minimum. However, this deadline has been postponed in the past and, at present, there’s no guarantee this won’t happen again.
4. BUT, S-100 is about far more than ECDIS! There’s plenty of potential away from the bridge. Back-office teams on shore can use the new data as the foundation for enhanced fleet management, monitoring and safety, improved operational efficiency, simplified compliance, predictive maintenance and reducing downtime, and, when push comes to shove, simply more powerful data-driven decision making.
5. You don’t have to wait until 2026, or later, to get a taste of S-100’s potential. NAVTOR is pleased to offer our customers and partners S-102 (Bathymetric Surface Data), S-111 (Surface Currents) and S-104 (Water Level) on NavStation now. This will help your teams get to grips with a new navigational reality, understanding benefits, fine-tuning skills, and easing adoption when it comes.

Want to find out more about S-100? Trust NAVTOR to help you lead the way forwards.
Original Linkedin post by Paul Elgar, NAVTOR OEM Business relations