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Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) tools now available in NavFleet

NavFleet Performance dashboard
The new dashboard with CII rating and AER information with fleet-wide vessel or voyage based information view.

At NAVTOR, we recognise that ship owners and technical managers would like to know their vessels’ CII rating and ensure they are on track once the regulation enters into force on 1 Jan 2023.

Fleetwide CII Rating

The NAVTOR team is excited to announce the release of Carbon Intensity Indicator (CII) tools to support customers on their decarbonization journey. The new features in NavFleet support proactive planning and monitoring compliance with required CII reduction targets mandated by IMO. Fleetwide CII rating is now easily available for ship owners, operators, and managers.

The latest release enabled the following features:

  • Fleet Dashboard - Fleet wide overview of vessels CII rating

  • Voyage Analysis - Voyage based CII rating

  • Crew Dashboard - Vessels CII delivered on crew level

  • Voyage Planner – Simulate emissions and CII rating for a voyage itinerary and speed instructions

  • Data Extracts – Simplify ESG reporting based on new data extract types

About CII (Carbon Intensity Indicator)

During the June 2021 MEPC 76 meeting, IMO adopted extensive new CO2 regulations applicable to the existing global fleet, which included the CII measure. From 1 Jan 2023, vessels above 5000 GT trading internationally will be subject to the requirements. The CII is a rating of a vessel’s annual carbon intensity on a scale from ‘A’ to ‘E’, where vessels scoring ‘D’ or ‘E’ for three consecutive years shall be required to develop a plan of corrective actions as part of the vessels SEEMP.

For more information and help with arranging a demo for NavFleet, get in touch with the NavFleet team.


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