NAVTOR offers IMO signs from the leading manufacturer and supplier of marine photoluminescent signs. Marine signs, posters, low location lights, fire & safety plans can easily be ordered from us.
The Maritime Progress Supplement 2018
From the 1st of January 2019, all new vessels will be required to be fitted with signage conforming to IMO resolution A.1116(30). The resolution brings the design of IMO signs in line with that of ISO safety signage.
The Maritime Progress Book
This authoritative reference manual provides a complete guide to marine signs, training posters and, training manuals and safety signs onboard ships. ​Close liaison with regulatory authorities, key ship owners and operators ensure that all products meet current international legislation and are relevant for today’s onboard ship management.
Special signage
With state of the art printing techniques on a variety of materials, we also produce special signage - tailored to your requirements.
Maritime Progress
Guide to 2019 IMO Signage Update. A MPL old to new sign comparison for MES LSS.