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Discover the very latest developments here. What is NAVTOR working on, what are the key issues facing the industry, what will be the next step forward in the world of e-Navigation?
Find out first with NAVTOR.
The 101 on S-100: what YOU need to know about maritime’s big data transformation
Standing Tall - SC Connector
Navigating new horizons – the future is integrated
NAVTOR and Veracity by DNV partner for sustainable, profitable shipping
NAVTOR rewrites e-Navigation rulebook with Auto-Routeing innovation
Listening, understanding, acting: the evolution of innovation with NavStation
End the inconsistENCy: why it’s time to plan for a future with shore-based ENCs
Paper thin future: transforming logbooks with digital innovation
NAVTOR integrates Witherbys publications into NavStation
NAVTOR to acquire Ingenium Marine to lead digital transformation of log-keeping
FarSounder – New release with NAVTOR integration
e-Navigation to chart way forward for shipping
Shipowners must travel the digital path to decarbonisation
E-Navigation is the future of shipping
The secure link between ship and shore