The world’s leading ENC service, helping crews navigate safely and efficiently
ADMIRALTY Vector Chart Service (AVCS) is the most comprehensive, official, digital maritime chart service in the world, with over 17 000 Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs) from hydrographic offices around the world, packaged and quality assured by the UKHO into a single value-added service.
• Global maritime ENC coverage with more routes and ports than any other competing service
• 100 % official ENCs with certification to aid Port State compliance
• Operates on all ECDIS
• Unique ADMIRALTY Information Overlay (AIO) worldwide digital dataset that is designed to be displayed over ENCs in ECDIS for additional passage planning information
• Weekly updates available via NAVTOR online update services; NavSync and NavBox
• NAVTOR distribute AVCS in S-63 format and the efficient NAVTOR SENC format