The world’s leading Nautical Publications available as e-books
ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publications (AENP) are e-books for the mariner - allowing bridge crews to add Notice to Mariners(NMs) updates faster and more accurately than paper publications and giving them easier access to information they need.
ADMIRALTY Easy access, updating & management of AENP
AENPs are fully integrated into NavStation, making it possible to seamlessly register, access, licence and update all AENPs from within the software. Weekly NM update files can also be downloaded via the NavStick or NavBox, and added to AENPs in seconds - far easier and quicker than traditional paper-based products.
The complete range of ADMIRALTY e-Nautical Publications (AENP) includes the following titles:
ADMIRALTY Sailing Directions (Pilots)
– valuable extra information for port entry and coastal navigation
ADMIRALTY Mariners Handbook (NP 100)
– the comprehensive guide to seamanship and key aspects of navigation
ADMIRALTY Nautical Almanac (NP 314)
– essential for routine and emergency astronavigation, and the calculation of daylight hours and mandatory gyro checks
• Easy-to-read using ADMIRALTY e-Reader software
• Same familiar look as all ADMIRALTY Nautical Publications
• Easier access to information the mariner needs
• Weekly Notices to Mariners added in seconds
​Other publications include:
Guide to the practical use of ENCs (NP231)
- Further enabling users to use ECDIS safely, this comprehensive reference guide provides detailed understanding of the construction of ENCs, and how this can influence the ECDIS display.
Guide to ENC symbols used in ECDIS (NP5012)
- Contains comprehensive information, detailed explanations and descriptions of both traditional and simplified ENC symbols displayed in ECDIS. It also explains factors affecting the display of ENC symbols.
Guide to ECDIS Implementation, Policy and Procedures (NP232)
- Clear guidance on the efficient integration of ECDIS – helping fleets to meet regulations and remain compliant.
How to keep your ADMIRALTY products up-to-date (NP294)
- Clear guidance for the efficient upkeep and maintenance of official and compliant ADMIRALTY nautical charts and publications, whether paper or digital.
Cumulative list of ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners
- Assists users in identifying outstanding NMs and audit trails for particular charts. It is published six-monthly in January (NP234A) and in July (NP234B).
Ocean Passages for the World (NP136)
- Covers most major routes with distances between main ports and important positions, with details of weather, currents and ice hazards.
IALA Maritime Buoyage System (NP735)
- Provides information on the Cardinal and Lateral Buoyage systems, helping mariners worldwide to clearly fix positions and avoid dangers.
Symbols and Abbreviations used on ADMIRALTY charts (NP5011)
- Gives details on chart symbols and abbreviations used on the worldwide range of ADMIRALTY paper charts and International (INT) Chart Series paper charts. It also contains information on hydrography, topography and navigational aids and services.
Annual Summary ADMIRALTY Notices to Mariners
- Published every January in two parts, with part one containing Annual NMs and re-prints of all ADMIRALTY Temporary and Preliminary Notices which are in force on 1st January (NP247(1)). Part two lists the current editions of all volumes of Sailing Directions and amendments that have been published in the weekly editions of ADMIRALTY NMs (NP247(2)).